Grosse Ile High School
Daily Announcements
Good morning. Today is Thursday, February 8th, 2024
Attention Seniors: You should be completing your FAFSA form. Also, make sure to request your transcript with first semester grades in Parchment. You must click hold for grades. Any
questions, please visit the counseling office.
Calling all students: Mark your calendars for Opportunity Night on Monday 2/12 at 6:00 pm. This is a fantastic chance for you and your parents to explore our diverse range of classes before making your class requests for the next academic year. From college courses to AP classes and Work-Based Learning programs, discover the exciting opportunities that await you. We look forward to seeing you there!
Experience a night of incredible jazz talent this Saturday at 7 pm as the MSU Jazz Octets, featuring Grammy-nominated vocalist Jazzmeia (jazz-me-ah) Horn, performs at GI auditorium. Tickets are $10 and every penny goes directly to supporting the GIHS jazz band. Tickets are available at the Go Fan website.
The Lacrosse team will be having a player/parent meeting on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 pm in the high school cafeteria. All students interested in playing Lacrosse this spring are invited to attend with their parents.
Congratulations to the competitive cheer team. They are the 2024 Huron League Champions! Also, congratulations to the boysā wrestling team. They are District Champions and will be hosting Regionals next Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Way to Red Devils!
This concludes announcements. Have a wonderful day.