Good morning. Today is Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Want to help kids in the hospital? Stop by Panera on TODAY between 4:00 and 8:00 pm. Use the code: FUND4U with online orders or bring a picture of the Panera flyer posted around school or from your email to support the cause! All proceeds go toward Fleece and Thank You blankets.

There will be a Lunch and Learn TOMORROW with Mrs. Nadia Tonova who will speak about consulting careers and nonprofit start-ups.  Bring your lunch and learn at our last session of this school year! Everyone who attends will be entered into a raffle to win a lunch at Grotto.

Want to help kids in the hospital? Stop by Panera on TODAY between 4:00 and 8:00 pm. Use the code: FUND4U with online orders or bring a picture of the Panera flyer posted around school or from your email to support the cause! All proceeds go toward Fleece and Thank You blankets.

Mental Health Awareness spirit week is this week. TOMORROW is Therapeutic Thursday. Wear green to support mental health awareness. Green represents the green light to reach out for help if you need it.

Please check your student emails for information from Mrs. Metzger to vote for officers for the incoming school year. Voting closes today at 2:30, so please be sure to cast your vote. Winners will be announced Thursday morning.  

Check out the bulletin board by counseling for summer opportunities.

Every summer, 315,000 students in Southeast Michigan live with food insecurity. National Honor Society is collecting cereal with Gleaners for the community's children to keep them healthy and fed throughout the summer. Cereal donations will be accepted from May 15 to June 30 during 1st Hour. The class with the most donations by June 30 will win a Panera breakfast. Remember, hunger doesn't take a summer vacation. Be the good in your community!

AP exams will be taking place TODAY AND TOMORROW in the math classrooms. Only students with lockers in this hallway are permitted during testing. Kindly use an alternative route on test days. Signs will indicate when testing is underway.

Attention SENIORS: Your Senior Walk permission slip is due FRIDAY. You MUST have a parent signature unless you signed an Age of Majority form in the office and it was approved.

This concludes announcements. Have a wonderful day.