Board Committee Minutes
To view a Board Committee's meeting minutes, prior to October, 2018, click on the title of the committee below. Meeting minutes are posted after committee approval. To view any minutes post October, 2018, go to the Board of Education page and click on Board Agendas & Minutes.
The mission of the Communication committee is to promote and enhance communication among Board of Education members, between the Board of Education and the Superintendent, between the Board of Education and the Grosse Ile Township Schools staff, between the Board of Education and parents and students, and between the Board of Education and the community. The committee recognizes that effective communication in all of its various forms is vital to the success of our students and that this is an activity that requires continuous attention and improvement.
The Board Curriculum Subcommittee's function is to support, advise, and guide administration relating to curriculum issues and initiatives. Its function is to support and advise administration relating to curricular issues and initiatives. If the Committee agrees philosophically with the curriculum issue, then it will move forward to the full Board of Education for further discussion.
The Finance Committee serves in an advisory and informational role for the administration; reviews new contract agreements; assists administration in annual budget development; reviews the status of the budget on a monthly basis; reviews proposed funding for items not contained within the current budget; reviews fund equity status and any factors that may impact it; reviews committee function annually in May and makes recommendations for issues/concerns that require action monitoring during the next academic year; and compiles an information packet for new Board of Education members regarding the budget process and the function of the committee.
The function of the Policy Committee is to develop and revise Board of Education policies to reflect the mission statement and educational goals of the Grosse Ile Township School district. The proposed policies are then reviewed, modified, and ultimately endorsed by the full Board of Education. Further, issues related to administrative compliance (i.e., administrative guidelines) may also be referred to the policy committee for evaluation.