Student Services
Email Michelle DeMaggio
Phone: 734-362-2580
Fax: 734-362-2820
2025/2026 Enrollments is OPEN
Welcome to the Grosse Ile Township School District, where every student receives an exceptional educational experience that embraces all aspects of student achievement, and through an invested community, inspires the development of well-rounded, innovative students for continued success through a safe, nurturing environment. We would like to make this as smooth of a transition as possible.
If your address is not located within Grosse Ile Township School District, please go to our School of Choice page for further information.
Enrollment Information
Grosse Ile Township Schools has moved to an online platform for enrollment. To begin the enrollment process, please visit the following web link: Enrollment Portal. After you have clicked the Final Submit box, you will receive a link to set up an appointment date and time.
At the enrollment appointment, the following information must be presented for each child:
Proof of student identity and age by showing a certified birth certificate. Failure to do so will result in the referral of the case to the local law enforcement agency for investigation as required by Michigan Law (P.A. 415 as amended 1987).
Legal guardianship papers (if you are not the biological parent).
Custody papers (if applicable) Divorce decree or other document proving custody of the child(ren).
Immunization records signed by a physician or health facility. The Michigan Department of Community Health specifies what immunizations are needed.
Health Appraisal form must be signed by a physician or health facility (Kindergarten students and new students to Michigan).
Dental Assessment form must be signed by dentist (New State Law for 2024/2025)
Student's vision screening test results (Kindergarten).
Special Education/504 Must provide a copy of the most current IEP or 504 at enrollment
9th-12th grade Students: Must bring in a copy of your student's transcript or current report card.
Proof of Residency:
If you are a homeowner – A Valid State ID and Two of the following:
» Mortgage Statement » Cable/Satellite Bill » Property Tax Statement/Assessment » City Water/Sewage Bill » Gas/Electric Bill
**A current bill covers a service period 30 days as of the date the form will be turned in. **
If you are renting – A Valid State ID, One of the following and one from above (two proofs required):
» Rental agreement (that is signed and dated by the landlord and tenant)
» Month to month rental agreement (residency affidavit required)
» Rental receipt showing landlord’s name, address, and phone (residency affidavit required)
If you and your student reside with a friend or relative – A Valid State I.D. and the following:
» The resident relative or family friend must visit the board office to fill out the Residency Affidavit form and provide proof of residency (see guideline for owner/rental above). The parent/guardian and relative/family friend will be required to sign the form.
» Parent must provide proof of residency - Court Documents, Doctor Bill, MI Dept. of Health/Human Services, or paystub
If you are enrolling your child for Kindergarten please visit our Kindergarten Options page for more information.
New Students 6-12 grade Athletic Information
Students in grades 6-12 who are interested in athletics will need to complete the Athletic Transfer Form and the New Student Athletic Form. You will need to bring this with you to your appointment. The forms are located below in the "Conditional Student Forms" section.
If you have any questions or issues with our online portal, please contact Michelle DeMaggio, Student Services, at 734-362-2580.
Student Services
Email Michelle DeMaggio
Phone: 734-362-2580
Fax: 734-362-2820