Champions before and after school care is now open for enrollment for the 25/26 school year
about 13 hours ago, Meridian Elementary
Kindergarten Information Night is March 19th at 6 pm!
7 days ago, Ashley Prevo
Information Night
Congratulations to Meridian's Star Students this week! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
18 days ago, Meridian Elementary
Star Student
GIMS would like to send a big thank you to Judge McNally and the 33rd District Court for providing our 8th grade students with an amazing experience through the "Court to School" program. Your time, dedication, and insight made a lasting impact, and we truly appreciate the opportunity for our students to learn firsthand about the judicial system.
20 days ago, Emily Teen
Court to School
Congrats to GIMS cheer on their 1st place win at the GI Invite !
about 1 month ago, Emily Teen
Congratulations to this week's Star Students at Meridian! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
about 1 month ago, Meridian Elementary
Star Student
Congratulations to Meridian's Star Students from last week! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
about 1 month ago, Meridian Elementary
Star Students
Grosse Ile Elementary Schools spirit day this Friday! Help us cheer on our Lions to a play-off victory!
about 2 months ago, Meridian Elementary
Lions Spirit Day
Congratulations to our star students at Parke Lane! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
2 months ago, Ashley Prevo
Star Students
Check out the new Red Devil Report video!
3 months ago, Chase Colligan
red devil
Congratulations to our star students at Parke Lane! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
3 months ago, Ashley Prevo
Help the Class of 2025 raise funds for the Spring Prom!!
3 months ago, GI Athletics
Class of 2025 fundraiser
If you haven’t already there is still time to donate to a good cause! The deadline to donate is Wednesday, December 18th. The pickup will be in the afternoon.
3 months ago, Ashley Prevo
Check out the new Red Devil Report!
4 months ago, Chase Colligan
red devil img
A huge thanks goes out to James Ochab who put together a Turkey Giveaway for our Grosse Ile Staff on Thursday. Check out the new Red Devil Report video on it!
4 months ago, Chase Colligan
red devil report
Check out the new Red Devil Report!
4 months ago, Chase Colligan
Red Devil Report Img
Check out the new Red Devil Report Video!
4 months ago, Chase Colligan
Help the National Honor Society and Guidance Center with their winter apparel drive 11/11-11/26.
4 months ago, Ashley Prevo
Hat Drive
Congratulations to this week's Star Students at Meridian! Thank you for being respectful, responsible and safe!
4 months ago, Meridian Elementary
Star Students
First grade had a pumpkin character museum today!
4 months ago, Ashley Prevo